Nutrisystem Weeks 5-6 Progress and Update
I have been on Nutrisystem for 6 weeks now and have lost 8.7 pounds. So far the food has been good, I did find a couple things that I didn’t like and I will be creating either a post or video showing how a typical days worth of food, including food additions looks like. In addition to that I will be posting about my favorites and the food I disliked.
Copycat Recipe Starbucks Cookie Frappuccino for Nutrisystem Followers
Copycat Recipe Starbucks Cookie Frappuccino for Nutrisystem members
Nutrisystem – One Month Completed and 8.7 Pounds Lost
Today I have been on Nutrisystem for 1 month and have lost a total of 8.7 pounds. I am so close to my first nutribear, the red pound bear that signifies I have lost 10 pounds. I am so close that I can just taste it but it seems as soon as I get within 1/2 pound of that milestone my body fights it. Pound is chilling in my food box until I can take her out. I have not been exercising this entire time while on NS, so my goal for May is to start exercising. I purchased a bike a couple days ago and will be biking the…
Nutrisystem Week 1-2 Results
Week 1-2 with Nutrisystem were a success. I had fully intended to do week one post separately but then I got super busy and just could not make the time to sit down and write it up. So here is week one and two summed up. I will start fresh in week three with a brand new post. Next week I think I am going to do a food post so you know what I am eating. Week One Week one went really well. I stuck to the plan without a single cheat. I had some hunger though, actually I’ve had some hunger into week two as well. I am…