Build A Bear Review & Giveaway
This is my first Build A Bear Review and I was so excited to come home from work and see my package waiting for me! I have always loved me some Build A Bear. My kids have received many many animals from BAB shop over the years and every time we have been pleased with their quality and their cuteness. I don’t know what kid wouldn’t want to stuff their own bear and dress it in their favorite outfit, I think that’s the important part of the experience.
This is the bunny we received. She is an Easter bunny and came to us naked. She came in the traditional carriage that Build A Bear is known for and as a bonus she comes with an Easter egg dying kit.
My son is a good sport, the Easter bunny is obviously fit for a girl and I have plans to hand her over to my niece once my review is over. D was willing to model her for an extra 20 minutes of video games 😉 The cheesy smile, yeah he was threatening to expose a secret to my FB fans LOL
About the bunny! Oh my gosh isn’t she just adorable. Even naked I still like her. She is called Flower Fun Bunny. She came to us naked but you can dress her at the shop. I really love the colors on this animal, they are bright and perfect for the upcoming holiday but also for Spring fun. You can get an outfit for her on BAB’s website or go to any BAB shop and they should have them there but go early because I suspect they will sell out the closer we get to Easter. They do have an Easter outfit for her. You can find that here. I think she would look amazing in an Easter basket. I picture her surrounded by colored eggs, a nest and some other goodies.
Build A Bear has offered my readers a $25 gift card to get give your child his or her very own exciting experience at the Build a Bear workshop! How exciting is that! All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflcopter form below.
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Please enter the giveaway here and make sure to follow the directions. I will be verifying the winning entry.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

We’d definitely buy Champ – A Champion Fur Kids, because proceeds go to support childrens charities!
jessica hager
I would get my daughter the little chickie or hello kitty.
Teresa Thompson
18 in. Sunshine Hello Kitty
melynnie hashmi
i would get the A Champion Fur Kids bear
Sandy VanHoey
I would give to my daughter to get something for my granddaughter and I think she’d add to it and get the sunshine Hello Kitty
Julie F.
There is so much to chosse from, but I think we’d have to get the angry birds star wars luke skywalker. 🙂
Julie B
A Bear , Lamb or rabbit for my future niece.
Heather Jackson Huynh
I would get 16 in. Elephant for my daughter. Her Birthday is on the 28th and she is so in love with elephants and has wanted this from Build-A-Bear
Chrystal Drew
My daughter wants one of the Girl Scout bears
Tina Lousberg
well i would be spending more than $25 with 4 kiddos— prob a couple angry birds and atleast one hello kitty
Chavonne H
I love the Cute as a Bunny Happy Hugs Teddy.
christine ahmed
most likely the hello kitty doll or some clothes for the ones we already have
Kim Reid
I like the 16 in. Paddington Bear, thanks!
well we have 2 of them and i go and check out what i like to give to neice
Deanna Tate
I LOVE this one!!! This is a definate buy!!!!
Katelyn McKim
I would love to get my son one from the angry birds collection.