Which Is Better: Non Brand Dry Shampoo Or Batiste?
Having oily or greasy hair is not a good look. There are many brands and shampoos that provide people with unique ingredients to help give the hair a shiny look without the oily substance. However, shampooing in the shower isn’t always the best option, and dry shampoo is sometimes the best way to go. Dry shampoo involves rubbing it into your hair to get rid of the oil substance in the hair without taking a shower. Batiste is a famous and well respected dry shampoo brand. Let’s take a look and compare it to non brand dry shampoo.
Pros And Cons Of Non Brand Dry Shampoo
Most non branded dry shampoos usually have minimal ingredients, which somehow tends to provide good results because of a smaller chance of an allergic reaction. The main benefit is that it’s cheaper and can be found at almost any local store. Considering that you’re receiving a shampoo with not much testing having been done, it’s hard to see results in your hair and getting it to be shinier.
Pros And Cons Of Batiste Dry Shampoo
Batiste Dry Shampoo has received nothing but great results and quality reviews from most people. Many people love how the ingredients in most of their products aren’t oily in the hands. Another benefit is the longer lasting results it provides. It can give you up to 6 hours or more of clean looking hair. The ingredients are all properly and safely tested, and they all help absorb all the oils in your air very well. The only possible downside would be that the smell isn’t always what most people enjoy. Some of their products do have funky smells, but it all depends on your preference and what you like personally. However, this could also just be another person’s opinion.
It’s up to you to decide which way to go. Batiste ultimately is the better choice. It may cost a few more extra dollars, but the results will be miraculous and longer lasting.