Talk to a Nutritionist Online With Amwell #MOMSLOVEAMWELL
This is a sponsored post from MomTrends on behalf on Amwell. I was compensated to talk to a nutritionist online through Amwell and I am so glad I got this opportunity.
As a busy mom, lately it seems like we are eating out a lot more. I rely on quick snacks, and dinner ideas that are not always the best choice for an active family. I don’t spend as much time in the kitchen as I used to, and I know my kids are suffering from my poor choices. Are you feeling the same way? I have been wanting to try a nutritionist for a while now, but the fee was not in my budget. Luckily I found a way to talk to a nutritionist online, and with these frugal saving tips Amwell wants to help busy moms like YOU, those without insurance or high copays have access to healthcare providers for less.
The summer months were filled with busy schedules, and unhealthy BBQ choices, and now that school has started back up its time to change that. My sons football schedule is keeping us extra busy, and his practices are brutal. I find that I am running out of ideas for healthy proteins to keep him healthy, and give him the energy he needs to get through 3-6 hours of practice. A visit to a nutritionist was in order, and I chose to do this online through Amwell’s diet and nutrition program because it was convenient, and the cost was more manageable. I loved that I could talk to a nutritionist online without having to leave the couch.
Save money… Save Time… See a doctor on us (well for $1!). Amwell has provided me a code for all my blog readers to get a $1 office visit! This is a great opportunity for busy moms. You can do it when your kids are at school or when the baby naps. Use promo code TELEVISIT26 when you are at the pay screen.
I was pretty excited that I get to talk to a nutritionist online. I had been wanting to meet with one for a while now. I met with nutritionist Maika Luongo, a licensed nutritionist in 48 states. Unfortunately, she is not licensed in my state so she was limited on what she could say and recommend. However, most of my questions were about what types of foods we should be eating, and why I was always hungry. Luongo asked me a series of questions about my families eating, drinking, and exercise habits. I realized I rely on fast food and fine dining a lot, and we are probably eating out too frequently. Right then I realized I was not doing too well as a mom. Major mom fail. It’s my job as a parent to ensure my son is eating healthy.
Maika Luongo gave me a list of healthier food choices that would keep my family full longer, and decrease sugar intake, that help curb cravings and will aid in weight loss for myself
- choose lean cuts of protein – chicken breast, leaner cuts of steak, leave the skin off things
- avoid bacon, sausage, hot dogs
- avoid high sugar cereals, boxed/packets of oatmeal, and store bought bakery items
- nut butters instead of peanut butter (peanuts are a legume)
- lean cheese and dairy (for me, the kids can have whole milk)
- whole wheat or whole grain bread
- no soda, cool aid, capri sun, or high sugar content juice.
- drink more water
For quick protein snacks
- cubes of low fat cheese
- unsalted/plain nuts
- low to no sugar protein bars
- protein smoothies and shakes
- homemade energy bites
Amwell is featured in Huffington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe just to name a few. They are positioning themselves as being the new Amazon of healthcare, and big name agencies are taking notice. Just recently there was a call out on the cover of WSJ! That article can be viewed at the WSJ link here. They are the largest telehealth company, connecting people with board licensed healthcare providers, nutritionists, and behaviorists.
When you talk to a nutritionist online, the visits are immediate, and live using a webcam. You are able to use an iPad, iPhone or your computer. I did have to download an hd video plugin to view my specialist but it was a quick download. Though I used Amwell for nutrition you are able to use the service for a wide range of services. Have a question to ask a doctor? Get the care you need quickly – typical issues include: anything from colds, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, to behavioral issues (counseling, quit smoking, ADHD) to poor nutrition.
Doctors are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. That means you are able to speak with a healthcare provider on holidays and in the middle of the night. You do not need an appointment. I was able to get online, log into Amwell site and immediately sign in to see a specialist. I did have to wait approximately 10 minutes for my nutritionist because she was with another client.
Overall my experience was eye opening. I discovered while talking to the nutritionist that I really have no plan for meals, and that I personally do not eat enough throughout the day. I snack a lot on empty calories, and do not drink nearly as much water as I should. One of the main reasons I wanted to talk with a nutritionist was because my son is already very thin, and I was worried that with the brutal workouts he is doing he would lose even more muscle. Teens need some for brain development, and with his poor eating habits I was worried that he was not getting enough nutritious food. Through talking to Maika Luongo I was able to come up with some healthier choices to feed my very active football player, and the rest of us.
Amwell is a great service for working moms, people without insurance, and for services your coverage won’t pay for. I was able to see a nutritionist for $25 (I had a code making it $1 though), when this service is normally over $50 in my area. In fact, $25 is often less than a copay. You are able to see doctors for $46 – still lower for some insurance copays.
Use code TELEVISIT26 once you get to the pay screen and your 1st visit is only $1! Visit Amwell now to take advantage of this deal.