Product Reviews

Review of Child Development Program 1

CCD Program 1 was developed by Dr Sue, a psychologist and professor at Temple University. The program is geared towards children between the ages of 7 and 12. Children will learn what’s needed to choose, develop, organize and accomplish goals that will be successful. Through the process of learning to set and achieve goals, the child will also be given the tools they need to gain self confidence and self esteem.

I’m always looking for new things to teach my children how to plan and meet goals and expectations, so when I saw the Child Development Program that is based off of the teachings of the famous book “The Secret”  I got excited. I asked my son to view the program, which is available online, with me he became curious. He thought the videos showed how to development, create and visualize goals and most importantly, how to keep them.

My son recently started playing the Violin and in the beginning he was feeling a bit discouraged because he was having a difficult time learning it. I suggested he use CCD Program to help him stay focused and develop some goals for himself. He wanted to master Jingle Bells and Mary Had a Little Lamb before his Orchestra in the middle of December. The Child Development program helped him create some goals, practicing 15 minutes a day for example helped him master some of his songs within a couple of days.

Unfortunately, my review is based on a trial and I was only able to use the program a couple times before the trial ran out because it did not last the entire review period. I am unsure if the program I reviewed would be the same as the full version but what I viewed appeared to be the same.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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