Best College Scholarship Tips
Whether your “child” is entering college as a freshman or they’re headed back for a new school year, finding scholarships can be difficult. Here are some tips to help you find the best scholarships available.
#1. Talk to the College
Almost every college in the world offers some type of scholarship. You’re going to do your student a huge favor by calling the college asking about scholarships. In fact, have them make the phone call.
If you don’t fill out the FAFSA, you are pretty much throwing away money. It’s so important that you take the time to fill out this government form because it will help you both state and federal funding. Be aware that there are deadlines for state programs especially. Keep in mind that “scholarships” from a government stand point are better known as grants. Either one does not need to be paid back.
#3. Think Local
A lot of scholarships are given away locally as well as nationally. In order to find these it’s best to look at places that you would potentially work. For example: If your son or daughter is headed into nursing school, check local hospitals for scholarships. If they don’t give out scholarships, they might be able to direct you to someone that does.
This website has literally been around forever. There are tons of scholarships to be found for anyone and everyone. When they say they have it all, they do. All you really need to do is search for a scholarship that you’re interested in and go from there. It’s best to make an Excel sheet of the scholarships you’re going to apply for to help you stay organized.
I know you’re probably smacking your head with the URL of this website. If you’ve never visited, now is the time to do so. (This website even has an app, so you can look for scholarships when you’re bored. You can look for scholarships on Scholarships.com or have colleges recruit you. You can start looking for scholarships during junior or senior year of high school.
#6. Scholarships Take Time
Applying for a scholarship is not easy and does take a lot of time. This is a process that needs to be organized and your son or daughter might need your help. In order to “win” a scholarship, responses will need to be well thought out. Most people who win a scholarship will tell you that it’s well worth it.
If money is an issue for making college work, then scholarships are really the way to go. Although taking out student loans may seem like an easy route, this isn’t always a wise financial choice. Fill out as many applications for scholarships as you can, you won’t regret it down the road.