Get Back to School Cash by Trading in Unused Electronics
Now that school is about to start you might be desperately trying to find ways to come up with some extra money to pay for that long school supply list.
Here’s some ideas to get quick cash to buy the things you need. Note, I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Do you have electronics laying around unused? Why not make some fast cash by trading them in through Gazelle with their back to school sale.
Right now you can get a $25 bonus when you trade in a Macbook! Plus there are other deals, like trading in your old cell phones and tablets.Gazelle has iPhone 8 for as low as $600, iPads, Samsung products and so much more.
Trading in electronics you no longer want or use is really easy with Gazelle, and you can also purchase gently used upgrades if that’s what you are looking for. You can also buy certified Apple products that are gently used and come with a warranty.