Daily Flash
Hey everyone I hope your morning’s going well. Well swallow your coffee before reading this post because I’m about to unleash
another flash giveaway on ya! Oh yes a flash giveaway to make you all warm and cozy inside. Ok maybe that was a little lame and desperate haha 🙂
Here’s the rules of the game.
Giveaway is open until 5:30 pm PST time. 1 winner chosen for $50 in coupons. Coupons will be an assortment and you may email me a list of the type of coupons you’d like to see. I will do my best to accommodate you.
Entries need to be original and legit. I go through the entries before pulling a winner so please don’t cause more work for me by entering fraudulent names to increase your chances. I can just look at the location and IP address and know right away if it’s legit or not guys.
Enter below. Make sure to enter the bonus for extra chance of winning.
Good Luck!