frugal living

Zaycon Chicken Review & Upcoming Sales

We had the wonderful opportunity to review Zaycon Foods. I must say I was really excited about this opportunity.

At Zaycon you never have to worry about where your food is coming from. The meats are always fresh, chemical and preservative free. All products are always locally grown and they support small time farmers. They sell chicken, ground beef, pork, bacon, sausage, ham, salmon, and other cuts of meat. Fresh cows milk, honey, and fruit.

We had the opportunity to review their chicken breast. We eat a lot of chicken breast in this family but with it being so expensive in the store it can be hard on our budget. Zaycon chicken is sold by a 40 pound box and is $1.84 per pound. 40 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breast will run you approximately $73.00!! Unfortunately, their chicken event is now closed but there’s always next year. You can sign up by click the chicken for all picture right below this and you will be reminded when chicken comes to your area again.


With Zaycon you are required to buy in bulk but its smaller amounts. For example the chicken event is sold in units of 40 pound boxes. 40 pounds is a lot of chicken but you can freeze it and use it throughout the year. For a family of 4 or 5 people a 40 pound box will probably last you 6 months if used a couple times a week. If chicken is the only meat you eat then you will probably need to purchase at least 2 units. If you are buying milk you can purchase in lots of 2 or 4.

Right now they are promoting their Apple wood smoked ham and ground beef events. The first ground beef event has already sold out in all states but there is a second one coming up in about a month and is already taking orders.

My experience with ordering the chicken

I have to admit I envisioned my pickup to be a small time little event where you walk up to a trucker and he hands you a box from his trunk. Yeah, that was so not how this went down.

I never got out of my car. We did have to wait in a line but the wait was relatively quick. Like under 15-20 minutes.

wait 2

Once we got closer to the semi truck the wait went by really fast and before I knew it the driver was asking what my name was, the box was in my trunk and I was on my way.

By the way, this is what the truck looked like. Yeah so not a little pick up truck!

zaycon truck 2

Once the chicken was in my trunk I just drove home and unloaded it into my house. It came partially frozen in the middle area of the box so I had to wait a little while before working with it since it was so darn cold!

This is what the box looked like. It wasn’t a huge box but wasn’t tiny either. the chicken came in a blue bag and within the blue bag are 4 10-lb bags of chicken breast.

zaycon box

Now let’s talk the chicken. I didn’t really believe people when they told me the chicken breasts are huge but they really are! They look like turkey breasts! They are the largest chicken breasts I’ve ever seen in my life. Each breast will easily feed two people, maybe even 4 if they are small.

zaycon chicken breastOverall my experience was great. I left feeling like Zaycon is a great company and I will buy from them again.

If you would like to purchase from Zaycon, deliveries are happening all over the United States right now. Many of Zaycon’s products only come once a year so make sure to buy right away.

Create an account here, add your personal information so they can set your area of delivery and show you the products. When you refer friends and they buy you will get $1 for every sale they make in referral credit!

One Comment

  • Susan Galvan

    Thank you so much for this review!!! I’d just heard of them, and signed up for chicken, but didn’t complete my order. You answered all of my questions!!! I was a little concerned about the packaging, the authenticity of the company, and how it was delivered! I’m a single parent of two preteen sons, and let me tell you. They can eat! This would be such a great value to us! Next time, thanks to your review, we WILL be in the line, to pick up our chicken!

    Thank you again!

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