Product Reviews

You’ve Been Sentenced Word Game Review


Looking for a way to get your kids off the video games and other electrics? With winter here to stay for at least 2 more months your options are really limited to the house. No one wants to drive in freezing rain or snow and black ice is just too risky. What’s a parent to do when the kids are stuck indoors and you don’t want them spending hours playing video games or watching television.

Board games offer hours of entertainment, education and helps increase a child’s problem solving skills . We had the chance to review You’ve Been Sentenced, a strategy game using words and phrases to create whole sentences. Each player gets 6 cards that they must use to create a proper sentence. you earn points based on how great the sentence is.  The company really hooked us up because not only did they send the game but they also sent us 6 different sets of cards to expand our game time and fun. the extra sets of cards is a must in my opinion because it greatly enhances the experience. You won’t get bored because you can switch out the cards for a difference subject matter.


This game has been a lot of fun plus it has helped both kids practice their grammar, which in all honestly, the oldest needed a little help with. I loved watching the youngest scold his sister for using the wrong form of their, they’re and there to create sentences and they were very competitive which was fun at first but it did get annoying after hearing them argue about sentence structure and if a sentence was proper or not.  It is great when they get competitive because it means they will be playing for a few hours, occupying them so they aren’t begging for their video games back.

You’ve Been Sentenced is appropriate for ages 8+ and can be found Walmart, Fred Meyer, Target, Amazon and other stores. You can find them on Facebook  here. 

Keep an eye out for a You’ve Been Sentenced Giveaway worth $75! Coming soon!


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