Lovey’s Tushi Stick & Tushi Wash
This post is brought to you by our assistant, Jess Lee of Jess Lee Writes. Jess writes most of our baby content. We are partnering up with Lovey’s to bring you a recap of their newest products. All opinions are our own.
I’m a mom of four kids and I’m on my fourth right now. I actually had all boys and now I have my girl. The more kids that I had, the more concerned I became with what was being put on their bottoms. I started researching the chemicals in baby wipes and I didn’t want that to be on my babies. I have a 9-month old baby girl and changing her diaper is so much more different than my boys. I wanted to share my experience with you about a product I have really come to appreciate. Lovey’s Tushi Stick and Lovey’s Tushi Wash are the newest products I have discovered and I LOVE them. Find out why below.
Tushi Wash
This is a concept that can be hard to grasp if you’re hooked on baby wipes, but I am always on the lookout for baby wipes sensitive to my families needs. I never thought a spray for fit that bill, but I actually ran out of baby wipes about the time I got this in the mail. I was forced to use the Tushi Wash and I actually ended up loving it. With a few squirts, it was so easy to get my baby girl cleaned up. I appreciated that so much. I just used a few old clean clothes I had around my home and it was a great experience.
Tushi Stick
Lovey’s Tushi Stick also came in handy when my daughter started getting a rash. She actually has eczema and it spreads all over her body. I was able to use the Tushi Stick in variety of places on her body. Personally, it’s super awesome when I can use one product for multiple things in my home! Lovey’s Tushi Stick is safe and natural which is what I’m striving 100% for in my home!
I love both of these products because there is none of the following:
- NO Parabens
- NO Sulfates
- NO Zinc
- NO Petroleum
- NO Artificial Fragrance
- Only pure essential oils used
- From Naturally Sourced Ingredients
I love when brands are upfront about their ingredients because it takes the work from the parent, and gives me more time to focus on my baby. Also, like I said, I am always on the lookout for baby wipes sensitive to my families needs, but in this case I discovered that I can still clean my babies tushi without baby wipes!
Head to Lovey’s website and check out all of their natural products!
Guest Author: Jess Weaver is a mother of 4 (three boys and 1 girl). She’s a work from home mom with a business focused on copywriting and social media. Her dream is to help other moms work from home with flexible schedules. You can find her anytime at http://jessleewrites.com/.