Product Reviews

>Designs With Vinyl Review & Giveaway


Since moving I’ve been doing some heavy decorating and trying to figure out where to put everything.  The apartment is so small compared to the old place and I found that I had to get rid of a lot of furniture before we even started moving in. I donated a bunch of artwork and wall décor before coming to the new place, so once we got here I wasn’t sure what I wanted as far as décor was concerned. I’ve started slow and still deciding on what needs to go.

One thing I found super useful was the vinyl designs I was asked to review. You can find the post I mentioned them in HERE.The designs gave my apartment a unique look that I just love. Everyone who’s seen the new place has remarked that the designs look great on my cream colored walls.  

What are they you ask?

Designs with Vinyl can be found and Each vinyl design is precision cut and pre spaced. There is no background and they are priced affordably. I really like that there is no background so the designs really pop out in the room. To me, it means they look more professional. They are also an affordable decoration for children’s rooms since children grow so fast. I know my teen changes her mind of décor frequently, so having the ability to pick designs that aren’t terribly expensive is important to me. I also love that they carry sayings in different languages like Spanish and international quotes.


They were easy to install. You do need to follow the directions carefully so the designs come off the paper they are stuck to. If you don’t I imagine you’ll wind up with a mess.  I think the most important part of installation is to remember that you need to scrape each letter with a wooden pop cycle stick or something with a straight edge that won’t nick the paper. Make sure to get the smaller letters or you’ll have trouble when it comes to peeling the final layer off. That’s really the only negative thing I have to say about the process. I didn’t scrape good enough and some of the smaller letters came off with the final paper. I had to put them back on the wall when I was all finished. 
I recommend look at their detailed directions on the website. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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