Toe Juice Review & Giveaway
WARNING…The pictures I am about to show you are really-really gross. If you have a weak stomach or an aversion to feet or toe fungus, then click out of this post right now. This is your WARNING…
I was given the opportunity to do a review of Toe Juice. I was sent a 4 fl oz bottle of Head to Toe Skin Refreshment with DermaVine and a 1 fl oz Refreshing Feet One Toe at a Time with Derma Vine. Toe Juice is said to cure a lot of skin ailments such as acne, cold sores, rashes, ring worm, warts, other skin irritations, athletes’ foot, jock itch, jungle rot, and other foot problems including fungus. Alcohol is the main ingredient in these products along with herbs like willow bark and lemon peel.
My husband has fungus on his big toe and it’s so bad that his toe nail actually died. He is a big baby and has refused to go into the doctor to treat it because he says they will remove his toenail. When I received the products I had no faith that it was going to work but I figured we could give it a shot since he refused conventional medicine. In fact, he was actually talking about seeing a “curandero” which we in the US would call a “witch doctor” or in Native terms a “healer or medicine man” but I work fulltime and hubs has no plans of finding his own curandero so I knew that the witch hunt was going to fall on me.
This leads me to the first time my husband used the Toe Juice, but first, let me put this watermelon away because my appetite is about to be ruined. Here is the before and after pictures of day 1 of Toe Juice. I was SHOCKED at how the Toe Juice ate away at the fungus. You could actually see it working away at it. It was absolutely disgusting but it worked so well!
From the pictures above you can see a little bit of a difference between the left photo and the right one. The left was before Toe Juice was applied and the right was after the first use of Toe Juice. You can also see that the toe nail is still attached the toe bed. Both the Head to toe Skin Refreshment and the Refreshing Feet One Toe at a Time stung when he applied it and then it got tingly. According to their website this is normal and just means it is working. There is also a high concentration of alcohol in the solution so it’s going to sting a little bit but to me it was worth the little discomfort he experienced for the dramatic results.
After a week of using Toe Juice my husband was able to loosen the toe nail enough to get the products to go into the toe bed. That appeared to help a lot because a week later he was able to cut half of his toe nail from the toe bed. It’s still disgusting but not nearly as bad as it was two weeks ago. I am shocked that the products work so well for toe fungus. His toe has pretty much cleared up.
I really liked the way Toe Juice smells; it has a pleasant refreshing scent that’s hard to place. You can kind of smell the lemon peel in it but the other scent is likely the willow bark. It reminds me of Witch Hazel but with Willow Bark overtones. You can find Toe Juice in the United States. It is sold at most drugstores and pharmacies. You can also pick up Toe Juice here for $8.95 .
The company was awesome and offered a giveaway to my readers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
cheryl crain
looks like it works
Sarah Knoke
I get cold sores, and I would love to try this product to stop them!
i would love to try this!!
Sasha Cory
Keep us posted on his toe. I’m curious to see more pics later!
Peggy Deloge
Looks good! Would like to use this for my own toenail!! Thanks for the chance to win!
sara m ford
I have always had trouble with my feet
Amy Kathryn
i need this….my toe looks like his!!
Sarah Rainwater
I need this because my son has itchy, dry skin on his feet.