Recycled Vegetable Containers
It is almost time to start planting your seeds so I thought what better time than now to discuss recycled gardening. We all have things around the house, in our kitchen, in our garbage cans or recycle bins that can/will make handy cheap growing containers and seed starters. Here are some common household items that end up in the recycle bin that are easy to use and actually help your seeds grow better.
Plastic bottles: Using unwanted plastic bottles is a great way to both save money and help the environment at the same time. Plastic bottles are easy to find, if you don’t drink soda you can use juice bottles or ask family and friends for their empty bottles. There are more than 1500 plastic bottles produced every second and the majority of them are thrown in the landfill. By using unwanted bottles you are doing your part in saving earth.
Glass bottles:Recycle your glass bottles and use them to keep your plant food mixtures and fertilizers in. Store them under the sink or on your garden planting area for easy access and you won’t ever forget to feed your plants since the mixture is already mixed up and ready to go.
Egg Cartons: If you don’t need them for your laying hens egg cartons make fantastic seed start pods. You can cut them into sections or use them whole. They are also biodegradable (most anyway) so you can cut them into sections once you are ready to plant and stick them directly into the ground.
Vegetable Trays and Salad Domes: You know those plastic containers your gourmet salads and veggies come in? Use them to grow salad varieties and never have to purchase greens from a store again. It is really easy and economical to grow your own salad and you can even do it indoors. Just add soil to the salad dome and add your seeds and then make sure to spray them lightly with a spray bottle daily until they sprout.
With just a little planning you can have a wonderful variety of fresh greens year long by using a little common sense and sensible recycling techniques. For more ideas on sustainable living please visit the following links.
Recycle: Coffee Creamer Containers into Soil Pods
Frugal Tip-Recycle Win bottles
Daily Tip- Conserve Toilet Water