Nutrisystem Menu – Package Arrived #NSNation #Spon
I have been on Nutrisystem for 5 days now and will have my first week’s post up in a couple days about weight lost and how I felt this past week. I wanted to talk to you about something else today, the Nutrisystem Menu.
On Nutrisystem you have a choice of which program you would like to select. Usually this is based on your health and if you want to include the frozen foods. There is also a difference in price although it is very minimal. I was given the Women’s Select which contains shelf stable and frozen foods. The food is shipped in two packages.
In the first shipment you will receive all of your shelf stable foods to include 18 items each of breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert for a total of 72 food items. You will also receive the starter components which include the water bottle, protein shaker, 4 protein shake flavors that will last you the entire month and literature.
I received the shelf stable package first. So far the Nutrisystem menu has been really good. I had the hamburger tonight for dinner with a whole wheat bun and tomato that was not included. For dessert I had Nutrichocolates. I walked away feeling satisfied! So far my favorite shelf stable food has to be the Chicken and Dumplings.
In the frozen shipment you receive all of your frozen foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. I believe there are 10 items in each department for a total of 40 items.
I received the shelf stable shipment first and began eating the Nutrisystem Women’s Select foods that day. The shipping notification stated that I should expect up to 2 weeks for my first order of frozen food but it actually came a couple days after my shelf stable foods. The Nutrisystem menu for frozen foods seems to include more variety for restaurant style foods, so if you were a big restaurant spender before you may want the select program.
So far I have eaten a couple things from the frozen food selections and they are really tasty. My favorite is the breakfast cinnamon roll, It really hit the spot. The frozen desserts include a lot of ice cream but I did not see any pie choices. I would have loved to have some pie options as my family likes to have pie once in a while and since I will be on this plan for the next 4 months, it will be hard for me to not to have any. I am really happy to have the cake options though because both my kids birthday’s are in April and I am going to want to celebrate with them with CAKE. Since I have cake options in my Nutrisystem menu choices I won’t be tempted to cheat.
PS: Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling (1-888-853-4689) or by visiting Nutrisystem Online follow.
Nutrisystem has provided Emily’s Frugal Tips the Nutrisystem program free of charge in exchange for sharing my journey with you all! Regardless, I review things that I am interested in and my opinions are my own.