About Us
Hi, I’m Emily, owner of Emily’s Frugal Tips. It all started with a single idea, to create a website that would help local families who reside in Vancouver, WA, save money on their grocery bill by using coupons, looking for deals, and living more frugally. The blog started off small. I didn’t know how to blog very well. My first blog, SEW Vancouver, was created to be a site dedicated to all things crafty; an outlet for my creative ability:)… Sew Vancouver is what got me in the door to the blogging world but where we’re headed is going to be much more fun. Contact emily@emilysfrugaltips.com
Hello, I’m Mahaylah, the second youngest blogger for the EFT brand. I enjoy photographer, fashion design and modeling. I have been apart of the Emily’s Frugal Tips brand since it was established in 2010. You will find me in the kitchen cooking up new recipes for the blog, modeling review items or creating new photographs for the blog.
I am Diego, blogger for D’s Corner on Emily’s Frugal Tips site. I also have been a part of the EFt brand since it started in 2010. I love to review video games and toys and I always write my own reviews so you will see my character in them. I also like to read. I am in middle school and play the Violin. I help mom in the veggie garden so you will often see me in our how to garden section on the blog.
Hello there, I am Justine, the newest member of the Emily’s Frugal Tips. I was born and raised in the great Pacific Northwest. After I graduated high school in 2004 I set out to explore more than just Oregon and Washington. I ended up spending three years at Penn State University and did extensive traveling that included Barbados, United States Virgin Islands, Canada, and two cross country road trips. After spending a few years away from home I started to feel homesick and so I transferred back home to Washington State University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in humanities in 2010. I blog about parenting, kid related product reviews and provide assistance with photography. Every now and then you might find a recipe written by me.
Tracey Weiss
So glad you’re going to be working with us on LEGO KidsFest! I just need your email address to confirm ticket giveaways. Thanks!
Hello Tracey,
My email is emily@emilysfrugaltips.com. Just so you know, you can also find my email on my header in the social media icons. Have a nice evening!