Mashed Potato and Corn Chowder, Made From Thanksgiving Leftovers
This soup is so good and it uses up all the leftover mashed potatoes and corn casserole from Thanksgiving! I do admit I wasn’t sure how this soup was going to turn out. It’s the first year I have made mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives for Thanksgiving but everyone loved them. Our corn casserole was pretty simple. A can of cream of chicken soup, one sleeve of crackers from a cracker package package crushed and a bag of corn. I mixed it all together and tossed it in the oven for 30 minutes. Ingredients for chowder
Cranberry Muffins Recipe, Using Thanksgiving Leftovers
This post is part of my 12 days of Thanksgiving leftovers. Everyday a new recipe will be featured that uses feast leftovers from Thanksgiving. Don’t throw away your leftovers, instead reinvent them! Got leftover cranberry sauce? Make this delightful cranberry muffin and freeze for a quick dessert or breakfast cheat.
Turkey Pot Pie From Thanksgiving Leftovers – Good Cook Leftover Recipe #44
Good Cook gave us a challenge to turn out Thanksgiving leftovers into a usable recipe. I chose to make a classic – Turkey Pot Pie using leftover pie crust, turkey wings, our veggie tray leftovers and a few slices of sharp cheddar cheese leftover from out bread and cheese tray. The result is amazingly good. It seems like the most unused portion of the turkey is always the wings. No one eats them so they are always left over. Thing is, those wings have a lot of meat on them and shouldn’t go to waste. So my pot pie focused on using that leftover wing meat.