
Starbucks Oatmeal Recipe

If you knew me in person you would know right away that I am addicted to Starbucks latte’s and their oatmeal. I haven’t mastered their latte’s but the oatmeal is easy as pie and since I bought a new car 3 months ago I must cut back on my eating out. So I came up with this recipe that is exactly like the oatmeal you get at Starbucks, and if you like it then you will like this. I hope you love this Starbucks oatmeal recipe as much as I do.

This recipe is less money than Starbucks. I got the oatmeal for $2 for a canister of 27 servings, brown sugar was .87 cents for 113 servings, got the yellow raisins in bulk from Winco, dried cranberries $1 for 3 servings and the water, well it’s free 😉 So considering at Starbucks an oatmeal is $2.50 I’d say you are saving a lot of money making it yourself.

First of all, you need to use boiling water not microwave this bad boy. Why? Because if you nuke it, it kills the flavor, puffs up the oatmeal to unrecognizable size and makes it taste nasty. So, just use boiling water.

Because I was lazy today, what you see is instant quick oats. These oats are smaller than what Starbucks uses but I made do. If you want the bigger oats you need to pick up some Bob Mills Steel Cut Oats.

Next you need some yellow raisins and then dried cherries ( I used cranberries because they are at Safeway 10 for $10).

Next you need brown sugar and then the nuts which I didn’t use:) Add the boiling water, mix in and enjoy.


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