NetFlix to Bring Popples Back, an Original Series
I am sure you remember Popples in the late 80’s, it was a popular series back then. If you don’t remember, you lived under a rock, or are too young to know what this cartoon was about: Popples was a Saturday morning cartoon very popular in the 1980’s based off of Popples toys that were popular during this time. Like a lot of 1980s cartoon shows, Popples had a story that attracted kiddos in droves. The Popples got their name from the popping sound they made when after they rolled themselves into balls, and then unrolled. Kids really liked this cartoon because of the vibrant colors, and the Popples personalities. There will be a lot of happy 80’s fans because of this cartoon comeback. If you have Netflix, I am sure you’ve seen the advertising for Popples Cartoon lately. The cartoon has made a comeback! The new version was created for today’s generation of kids, and its already gotten a lot of attention.
Popples have pouches that they like to hide things in. I remember as a kid wondering how they could possibly fit that inside of their pouch. Later I discovered these objects are from Hammerspace, or hoarding space as I like to call it now 🙂 The old Popples characters included – There are 5 humans (Bonnie and Billy Wagner, mom, Mike, and Penny), and 19 Popples: Bonnie & Billy’s Popples (Party, PC, Pancake, Prize, Puffball, Puzzle, Pretty Bit, Putter, and Potato Chip), Mike & Penny’s Popples (Punkster, Punkity, Bibsy, Cribsy, and Pufflings), and Sports Popples (Big Kick, Cuester, Dunker, Net Set, Pitcher, and T.D Touchdown). It looks like 9 of the Popples actually lived with a human brother and sister, how fun! This is a HUGE family. Brady Bunch doesn’t have anything on this family 😉 The new generation of Popples will be updated to interest the kids of this generation, because as you are well aware, we’re in different times now. It’s re-imagined for a new generation of kids with fresh characters and the like! It is exciting that Popples has been brought back. You can expect a more modern cartoon that the entire family will like. It’s re-imagined for a new generation of kids with fresh characters and the like!
Popples is a brand new Netflix Original Series for Kids. The Popples are fun, lovable, brightly colored and adorable creatures that transform from fluffy balls to furry friends and back again. Saban Brands has re-imagined the franchise for a new generation of kids with an all-new animated series set in Popplopolis. The show is a high-energy comedy series, driven by the optimistic comic entertainment of its main characters, or Best Popple Pals (BPP’s): Bubbles, Sunny, Lulu, Izzy and Yikes.
You can see the trailer
Popples Gets a Fresh Upgrade!
The updated Popples is a brand new Netflix Original Series for Kids. The Popples are fun, lovable, brightly colored and adorable creatures that transform from fluffy balls to furry friends and back again. Saban Brands has re-imagined the franchise for a new generation of kids with an all-new animated series set in Popplopolis. The show is a high-energy comedy series, driven by the optimistic comic entertainment of its main characters, or Best Popple Pals (BPP’s): Bubbles, Sunny, Lulu, Izzy and Yikes. If you loved Popples as a kid I bet your kids will to, so definitely get them interested in this new updated Netflix Original Series!
Round Table Popples Family Nights Every Tuesday in November!
Popples is also partnering with Round Table Pizza for themed Family Buffet Nights every Tuesday in November. A long with the Popples television series they have also released new Popples Plush Toys available at in mid November and in store in December. The series started Oct 30th, and Round Table is organizing a themed Popples pizza night every Tuesday in November. Netflix Popples, and Round Table Pizza does sound like a great combination. They have great pizza, actually one of my favorites in Vancouver.
Will you be taking your little ones to Round Table Popples Family Nights?