
Revolt Fitness With Nichole Huntsman Weeks 4-9 Completed

As you know my husband is reviewing Revolt Fitness, a hardcore diet and exercise program that will get you in shape in just 12 short weeks. He has seen some pretty amazing things since the beginning of this journey.

To say we have been busy lately is an understatement but my husband has kept up his daily workouts and eating on plan { he’s missed a few workouts} and kept cheating to a minimum { there were a couple Muchas Gracious mishaps when he started a new job} and I would say Revolt Fitness has really changed our way of life for the better. I, for one, have stopped eating a lot of things that I used to { chips, chocolate in insane quantities, consuming large amounts of  coke and other sugary substances plus eating fast food a lot), see there was a time when I was eating totally clean and loving it but then for some unknown reason I just stopped one day. Revolt Fitness by Nichole Huntsman brought me back to reality.

Week 1

revolt week 1 The last several weeks went by rather quickly but it wasn’t until this last week that he started to see real physical results from doing Revolt Fitness. My husband’s body fat was within normal range (24%) as was his weight so it took  a while to actually see a difference psychically.

 Week 2week 3

His stomach fat has gone down a LOT! We both are excited to see what the next few weeks brings us. I am definitely going to take advantage of the next few weeks and start doing the workouts more as I haven’t been as dedicated to them as much as he has. In fact, I haven’t been doing them that much at all.

Weeks 4-9

weeks 4-9

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