Review of I Like Book for Couples!
Are you looking for a way to spark romance in your relationship or maybe just looking for a way to communicate more? The I Like Book for Couples could be just the thing you are looking for. With the I Like book for Couples I was immediately intrigued by the concept of building mine and my husband’s communication skills and self esteem in each other. I liked how the book encourages the couple to focus on what they like about their partner. I think the book fosters a strong bond between the couple by focusing on the positives in their loved one, everyday.
I started using the book in the middle of January and have to say I am satisfied with it so far. Life it gets in the way and our relationship seems to always end up on the back burner. So it was nice to read what my spouse likes about me. This book is great because it gets you thinking about the things you DO like about your significant other, rather than focusing on what you wish you could change. This little love book is GREAT!
The book is designed so that the couple can write in it individually. There are 2 spots per date so each person can tell the other how they feel about them. A like can be as simple as “I like how you made the bacon this morning” to something more personal “I like spending time with you on our weekly date night” or spice it up a bit and put something that you like about your partner in the bedroom “I like when you do blank…”. Really, the point of the book is to get you talking to open up to each other and explore what you love about one another. It doesn’t need to be only what you like about your spouse; you could choose something you like about both of together. Use your imagination and get creative. I love the design of the book. It’s discrete but has great content and themes throughout it. I also like the colors, black and white.
This would be a fun item to purchase as a gift for that special someone for Valentine’s Day. Really though, this book is a must have anytime of the year. Who doesn’t want a little renewed spark in their marriage?
The I Like team has been kind enough to offer one of my lucky fans a copy of the I Like Book for Couples! I’m giving away the copy in a giveaway that start Feb 1st, 2012. You’ll need to like them on facebook, follow them on twitter, and follow the other links I will have up on the rafflecopter in order to enter this fantastic giveaway! Check back Feb 1st for the coolest love package I’ve ever seen!
You can purchase the couple book on their website i like book. Also please follow them on twitter @ilikebook

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>Do you put your name or his name on the line you write the I like?