Review of Bil-Jack Dog Treats
Bil-Jac makes dog food and dog treats. They are a family owned business that was first established in 1947, after coming home from serving out country. Bil-Jac’s food is uniquely made to increase your pets coat. You will see a difference in its thickness and shine.
Bil-Jac’s food is loved by even the pickiest dogs. The food is made with real chicken, there’s no fat added to the food and it’s grain gluten free. Bil Jac’s use of carbohydrates is to add extra energy and nutritional value.
Bil Jac makes small and large breed dog food, snacks and special dietary foods in several difference flavors.
My review
We received a package of the PB Nannas Soft Treats for Dogs and Original Dog Treats. Since I do not own a dog we allowed my grandparents to have their dog Baily try the treats. Baily is a purebred miniature male poodle. He is very hyper as he’s a young dog and he’s not very disciplined like the toy poodles they are used to. Grandma said that Baily devoured the treats in one sitting when she wasn’t looking, so I would say he definitely liked them!