
Protect From Light Bladder Leakage With Poise

For women who suffer from light bladder leakage you know how embarrassing it can be, and how difficult it can be to wear clothing that isn’t going to make it a dead giveaway that you are wearing a pad. It is time to rid yourself of those embarrassing moments by trying Poise. Once you use Poise Thin-Shape Pads you will want to throw the old ones out. We at EFT encourage you to recycle them. Here are a few ways to use up unwanted pads. You might be done wearing your period pads for LBL, but why not rework them into something else wearable?

1. Sleep aid – Apply a few drops of lavender and Chamomile essential oil onto the pad, take off the backing, and stick inside your pillow. The mixture of these two oils will help you sleep better.

2. Use unwanted pads as paint brush cleaners. Since pads are so absorbent they make great items to dry or clean dirty paint brushes.

Did you know one in three women suffer from LBL? Weak pelvis, recent weight gain, or birth of a child can all cause light bladder leakage. You are not alone in this fight but Poise Thin-Shape Pads can help you feel more comfortable. Women deserve the best care possible, and Poise liners are created to be thin and 3x drier then leading pad brands, made from a super absorbent material, and comfortable for women suffering from LBL.

Right now you can get poise free samples while supplies last!


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