Now offering Personalized Valentines Plush Animals in my Etsy Shop for $5
Hi readers,
I have opened an Etsy shop to help pay off some credit card debt before we purchase our first home this year. I have added the first items to the store tonight. Make sure to read on or go directly to my Etsy shop to order
These animals are all between 5 1/2 to 7 inches tall. I will add a single name, word, or initial to the front, and the year on the foot. You have the choice of font color: blue, pink, red, white, black and limited supply of glitter gold or glitter silver. There are different animal choices and colors as well.
Shipping is $3 for the first animal, $1.50 for each additional or flat rate $5.75 and I will fit as many animals into the mailer as I can fit.
Visit my Etsy shop for ordering or to get in touch with me regarding custom work.