New Products from Mabel’s Labels & Welcome Gift
Are you a label snob like me? If you are you may want to check out these new labels. Mabel’s Labels has created a fantastic new label that combines technology with organization! You know I have issues with staying organized! Can’t remember where you put your summer clothes or those holiday decorations? Yeah, I have issues there to 😉 With the new Scan & Store labels from Mabel’s Labels, you will never misplace your items again! Here’s how they work:
1. Apply the label to a bin, tote or other container.
2. Scan it with the Write Away! app.
3. Store the title, location, description and a photograph of the container.
Then from your phone you are able to store the names and photographs of an unlimited number of items and assign them to a container, search for containers and items and much more! Organizing has never been so easy. Make sure to try out these new amazing labels today.