MONQ Essential Oils
Product Reviews

MONQ Personal Essential Oil Diffusers

We recently teamed up with MONQ to talk about adding MONQ Personal essential oil diffusers to your daily joy & happiness goals. Emily’s Frugal Tips was compensated for this review and given product to try. With that said, all of my opinions are my own and I am excited to share them with you below!

MONQ Essential Oils

MONQ is an interesting company that pioneered the concept of personal essential oil diffusers, in a convenient, recyclable yet simplistic design. Plus they’re organic, non GMO, and use high quality ingredients to ensure the highest quality product.

Aromatherapy is defined as using the aromas of plant extracts to aid in health and wellness.

I have long been a user of essential oils, frequently diffusing them periodically throughout the day for different reasons.

My go to essential oils are always peppermint, lemon, frankincense, and lavender. I actually have well over 20 essential oils in my bedroom that I go to when I am feeling tired, stressed, have a headache, or just need to energize.

I also just love the way they smell so I will diffuse them for that purpose as well.

When I found MONQ I was pleasantly surprised because it’s such an innovative concept. MONQ took diffusing to a whole new level with personal essential oil diffusers that are portable and combine popular essentials oils into combinations that fit very well with different life goals.

These personal diffusers come pre-packaged in 12 blends of MONQ’s signature “Therapeutic Air” to offer a wide variety of benefits, from calming and relaxing mind and body, to energizing and uplifting your mood.

I have a high stress job as a therapist, plus I am a blogger with lots of deadlines. Though I absolutely love what I do, I always need to decompress from the days work. I have found including MONQ in my daily or even weekly self-care regimen to be highly effective for reducing my work related stress.

I also find using the products as part of my daily or weekly self-care to be rewarding and uplifting.
MONQ Essential Oils

How to use MONQ:

Your MONQ personal diffuser is ready right out of the package! Just bring it to your lips, gently breathe in through your mouth, and then exhale fully out of your nose, which stimulates your olfactory nerve endings to receive the full benefits of aromatherapy. That’s it! Seriously, MONQ is that easy to use!

I have to admit, I cannot for the life of me breathe it out of my nose. I keep practicing but I am not getting it. My husband… no issues. My 19 year old, no ISSUES. Me, I have all the issues LOL. I am a work in progress.

Behind the Science:

MONQ bases its “Therapeutic Air” off of shinrin yuko, which is Japanese for “forest bathing.” This concept is based on the science behind what nature – and forest air in particular – emits, which are natural fragrances that help reduce stress. Using MONQ personal diffusers brings you these same stress-relieving components found in nature anytime, anywhere.

  1. Plants encode fragrance information in the form of terpenes and other fragrant molecules.

  2. The brain translates scent information into memories, ideas, emotions, and more.

  3. Therapeutic Air® makes it simple and efficient to explore the natural process of scent-evoked memory and emotion.

When you use MONQ you have more conscious breathing because you are focusing on breathing in the MONQ Air and breathing it out through your nose. It’s helping me pay more attention to my breathing. In return I find myself more calm and relaxed.

There’s a lot to be said about the benefits of Aromatherapy, including personal well being and lifestyle goals, such as wanting to be less anxious and more alert and aware of self.

MONQ is a great product to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. If you’re into Yoga, meditation or crystal work adding MONQ to your work can be uplifting.

Some Cautions:

MONQ does not recommend you use their products if you are pregnant, nursing, allergic to essential oils or have respiratory illnesses.  And as always, you should check with your primary physician if you are unsure if MONQ is safe for you to use.

If you would like to learn more about MONQ or essential oils you can also visit their blog, where the write on essentials only daily.

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