Vegetable Gardening

Let’s Get Those Gardens Into Shape


I am really excited for this summer because I will be with a garden again. Last year we weren’t able to get a plot because they sold out and we had just moved into a tiny apartment with a back patio that blocks out the sun.

This year my sister was able to get one of the community gardens that usually sell out too fast. It is a 20×20 plot and we both will be showing you how to grow a garden stocked full of the most important vegetables to feed a family year round. There will be introduction to seed starting, transplanting, keeping them alive, fertilizing, harvesting, and production methods like canning and freezing for year round use.

I can’t wait to share all the exciting ways you can grow a garden full of edible produce. Not only is it healthier to grow your own food but it is also less expensive and fun for the whole family to take part in.

If you have garden questions please ask them on the blog and we will answer them through the next few months in a series of blog postings.


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