Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet
Product Reviews

Give The Gift of Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet

Since as long as I can remember I have loved decorating for Christmas. Growing up my grandparents always had their home decked out with Christmas décor and the tree was always trimmed to perfection. My grandmother decorated with pride and it gave her a lot of joy. Teleflora’s Vintage Sleigh Bouquet brings me back to those special memories of my grandmother’s house all decked out to perfection.

Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet

When you purchase a bouquet from Teleflora you won’t have to worry about them not having what you are looking for. This is because they work with over 11,000 North American florists to ensure you get exactly what you want. I received Teleflora’s Vintage Sleigh Bouquet all decked out for Christmas in a fancy red sleigh. I couldn’t be more thrilled about it.

Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet

The bouquet came the day I requested it and it was even better than I expected. It was simply gorgeous. So breath taking its hard to put into words. Teleflora’s florists hand deliver the items directly to you so you don’t have to worry about it getting damaged. I live in an apartment so they delivered to our front office and my office called me immediately to pick it up.

From their website

Delivered in a rustic metal sleigh, this lush mix of fresh flowers and winter greens delivers classic Christmas style!
Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet
Since Douglas fir is a tree widely known in the Pacific Northwest, and a tree I grew up around all of my life I knew it would bring special memories for my family.  I knew this bouquet would be beautiful but was pleasantly shocked when it arrived. It was perfectly paired with red roses, carnations, red berries and pine cones to bring a festive Christmas feel to it.
I just love how detailed it is…so fresh and pretty
Teleflora Vintage Sleigh Bouquet
This delightful arrangement includes red roses, red carnations, red miniature carnations, flat cedar, douglas fir, variegated holly and noble fir. Delivered in a Vintage Sleigh keepsake. It is Approx. Size: 16 1/2″ W x 13 1/2″ H
The details really do matter and Teleflora ensures no details are left unnoticed
All Teleflora’s Christmas 2017 Bouquets will be available starting November 24th. Teleflora’s Vintage Sleigh Bouquet

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