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Franz Bagels Review & Sweepstakes

franz bagels

Franz sent me their new selection of bagels to try out which are Tillamook Cheese, French Toast and Pizza. I must say they were pretty tasty. My favorite would have to be the Tillamook Cheese variety and my son really liked the French toast, although actually he must have liked all the kinds because he ate most of them.

We have a bagel shop in town so Franz had a big shoe to fill. I was quite surprised at how large these bagels are, how fresh and tasty they were. Quite frankly I wasn’t expecting bakery quality bagels from Franz because they are packaged and shipped all over the Pacific Northwest. It has been my experience that bagels you purchase in the grocery store are not true bakery quality and when you want bakery goods you’ve got to drive down to a bakery not buy from  a grocery store. Franz blew me away with these bagels!! I was not expecting the quality that Franz has established in these bagels at all. To say I was shocked is putting it lightly. Not only did they satisfy my need for bagels but they surprised the great taste of my local bagel shop indefinitely!

You can find Franz Gourmet Bagels in most Pacific Northwest grocery stores.



Franz is doing a picture contest through October 30th, 2013. The grand prize winner will win a year supply of Franz bread!

To enter here is what you need to do.

1. Like Franz on Facebook  and enter a photo show them “how to bagel”.

2. Encourage your friends to vote

3. Photo with the most votes wins a year supply of Franz Bread

The Franz New York Bagel Boys Gourmet Bagels photo contest is open to residents in the Northwest United States only. (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and California- North of Chico.) Here is the link to the Official rules

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