Control These 6 Different Parasites With This One Chewable #SentinelSpectrum
This post is sponsored by Virbac® Sentinel® Spectrum® and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated to help create awareness about protection against common parasites found in dogs but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. More information about Sentinel Spectrum. Virbac is not responsible for the content of this article.
Did you know that right now is peak flea season in the pacific northwest, in fact over here fleas don’t even go dormant because it does not get cold enough. Fleas are extremely hardy, and even in their most immature stage they’re able to survive the harshest conditions. Fleas are able to infest locations that have suitable conditions that protect them from the cold. These locations include inside of your home where pets live, in your car, and even in crawl spaces. Vets recommend year round flea and parasite treatment to prevent infestation because once an infestation occurs it can be hard to get rid of them. Fleas are a big issue where I live, and I am sure they are a big issue where you live to. I love that Virbac® Sentinel® Spectrum® works specifically to interrupt the flea cycle while also taking care of the most common parasites like hookworm, tapeworm, whipworm, heartworm, and roundworm. In fact, Dogs will show signs of adult worms 6 to 7 months after infection. If a dog is showing signs of microfilaremia when tested, the dog has been infected for quite some time and the adult worms have started to reproduce.
I think my favorite part of Sentinel Spectrum is actually the chewable part. It’s a beef flavored chewable that ACTUALLY smells like beef, and my dogs told me they loved it. I have tried giving them other beef flavored flea treatments, and the tablet did not smell like beef and guessing by my dogs reaction to it, it also did not taste like beef. Those chews were also hard as a rock, making it impossible to break into pieces to hide in bits of food. My dogs LOVED Sentinel Spectrum, and ate the chewable on first site. Absolutely no issues, and my big guy was begging for more.
With it being peak flea season in my area its important to me to keep my dog flea free. Plus, the fleas that you see on your dogs body make up only a tiny portion of the flea population, with fleas able to live up to one year without a host, your best bet is to make sure your pet is not a host! In colder climates fleas survive as adults or as pupil casings as preemerged adults in protected environments. However, egg production starts at just 20 to 24 hours after an adult female takes its first blood meal. Did you know that female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs per day, and during normal conditions adult fleas can survive up to 3 months.
For more information about Sentinel Spectrum or specific ingredient information this link here. To learn more about parasites, and why year round protection is so important you can visit this peak flea season
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Virbac® Sentinel® Spectrum®. The opinions and text are all mine.