Product Reviews

Coconut Secrets Review

I think by now my readers know me well enough to know that I use a lot of non traditional ingredients in my cooking.  I first discovered coconut flour when I did the HCG diet last year and lost 40 pounds. It is great for replacing flour in dessert recipes and was a legal item during the third phase of the diet. I kept the habit of using it whenever possible because it is better for you than traditional white flour and tastes better than wheat flour, plus if you have a Gluten intolerance you can have coconut.

Normally I just go buy coconut flour in the store but it comes in such a tiny package and is pretty expensive for such a small container. Then I discovered Coconut Secret Coconut Flour and their Coconut Crystals. Both products come in a can with a lid for freshness. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the flour is 1lb or 454 grams, so you are getting much more product for essentially the same price.  Considering  that I use coconut flour weekly I was naturally excited when I discovered that I could get larger containers of this product.

I never used coconut crystals before and when we first got the package for my review I was not sure about the crystals. They smelled weird to me but I guess it was just I was not used to using them. Once I started using it I found I reached  for it more and more and now use it practically for all my sweetener needs. It pairs nicely in coffee or tea and you can replace white sugar for it or even brown sugar. It was so good that we went through the 12 oz can fairly quickly and will need to purchase some more.

Health Benefits 

Coconut crystals  from the tree, not the fruit. Coconut crystals and flour are low glycemic and is nutrient rich.  Gluten free, unbleached and unrefined, GMO free and is vegan. The flour is also high fiber, with 6 grams of fiber per serving.  Coconut Secret products are also 100% Organic.  Coconut flour helps burn fat because it is a lipid oxidation.  When you eat the flour you will feel fuller for longer because it is high in fiber and is an excellent source of gluten free protein, with 3.5 grams of protein per serving.

My thoughts

I love both products in baking the most. The crystals went fast. My daughter used them up the first 2 weeks because she kept using them in all her baking. I’ll definitely be buying some more  as soon as possible. Coconut Secrets Coconut Crystals are rich though and it took  a bit of  adjustment time to  get used to the taste and using the right amount in recipes or drinks.  Since  I was already used to the flour it did not need any adjustment period but know that coconut flour can make cookies and breads turn a different texture if you use too much. You will need to play around with each recipe until you find the right amount.

If you would like to purchase

Coconut Secret Raw Coconut Flour, 16-Ounce

Coconut Crystal, 12 oz

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