Allstate Foundation Wants Your Teen to Drive Safely & You Could Win $1000
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post sponsored by Allstate about teen driving. All opinions are my own.
In May my 16 year old daughter started driving school. It is a requirement of Washington state that all teenagers attend driving school before they can get their drivers license. As you can imagine she was excited. In fact she has been talking about this day since she was 12 years old. She and her friends would sit in the back of my car and chat about what kind of car they would get when they were older. As she got older she started reminding me
“mom only 2 more years”
“mom I just turned 14, next year I will be driving!”
And on her 15th birthday she could hardly contain herself she was SO EXCITED, but I did not feel she was ready just yet. She still had some maturing to do. She was barely able to reach the kitchen counters let alone see above a steering wheel, and frankly she had a rough year as far as her attitude was concerned. So we waited. She was not happy about that, and she let us know it. The thing is, parents are the number one influence on teens regarding their driving skills. I needed her to trust that I knew what I was doing. That I was not withholding her driving privileges out of punishment, but rather waiting just a little bit longer until I felt comfortable with her behind the wheel.
Making the hard decision to make her wait was probably the hardest decision I have had to make so far. Seeing the disappointment in her eyes was difficult to swallow, but it is a parents responsibility to ensure their kid drives safely. The day we signed her up for drivers ed she was ready and we felt comfortable in our decision to let her go.
She passed her driving test with a 96%, and we were all so happy about that, but more assurance is needed when it comes to teen drivers. We had her sign an agreement like Allstate’s Parent/teen driving agreement, and had her read the driving coaching guide found here from Allstate
Car crashes are the #1 killer of American teens, and that is why I was so reluctant to let her drive. It is scary letting go, but with proper supervision, and a good relationship with your teen you can help prevent car crashes by teens.
The astonishing things is more parents then teens use their cell phones while driving, but teens are more likely to eat or do their makeup while behind the wheel, both of which are causes of crashes and fatalities.
The driving agreement is available here, and I highly encourage you to sit down with your teen and have them sign it with you. Plus you can get even more resources to help you with your new driver here.
The foundation is running a sweepstakes through July 3rd, 2015 worth $1000. To enter just tag your teen or other influential person on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #GetThereSafe. Be sure to also use @Allstate when doing this.