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Back to School: 5 Specific Pokemon Go Learning Opportunities

5 pokemon go learning opportunities

Pokemon Go is officially unavoidable at this point and we as parents have our hands full. The game is everywhere and it is red hot. As parents, we need to find a way to leverage this Pokemon Go mania! Because the game is based around some pretty awesome platforms, we have a built in opportunity to teach our kids while they play. In fact, some teachers are actually working the game into their lesson plans for the coming year. Here are five specific lessons we can begin to teach our kids while utilizing the Pokemon Go game:


Teach Mommy and Daddy How


It is awesome when we can allow our kids to teach us about anything and Pokemon Go is the perfect example. Most kids are very well versed in the game and you can use that to have them teach a class. This will give them a sense of pride, teach them organization and leadership. Have them walk you through the various aspects of the game and be a very attentive student. You will then see them blossom!


Have Them Invent Their Own Pokemon


This is something that came about naturally with many kids back during the Pokemon craze years ago. Being around all these cute little pocket monsters spurs really excite creativity in your kids. Make your own Pokemon, and have them sit down and create their own monster for an art project. You can have them even write out descriptions and details about their new Pokemon monster.

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This is a really fun project for a group of kids and really inspires them to create something important. Have them print up a newspaper with stories about individual monsters, gyms and various other aspects of the Pokemon Go game. Talk about the newest Pokemon features, rare characters, and how to get free pokemon balls by visiting poke stops. You will be surprised at how cool the results will be. Show them other newspapers or magazines and talk about layout and fonts, etc.


Use it To Teach Directions/Geography


When you head outside to hunt down these cute little monsters, you have the perfect opportunity to teach your kids about directions, geography and even maps. Blend some lessons in about all of that and let your kids begin to understand the world around them as they search. North, South, East and West are easy concepts, but not when you are young. Things will become clear when you use the Pokemon Go game to show them such ideas and concepts. Not to mention it will be fun!


To Learn About Nature and Animals


When you head out to search for your Pokemon Go critters, why not head out into the woods? In between Pokemon hunts, you can teach the kids about the real animals. Spend some time talking about how to make fire, find your way out of the woods or make shelter. Hunt down a few really neat leaves or rocks. There are endless ideas to blend into the Pokemon Go game in nature.

Pokemon Go is not just a game to occupy time. It is a fairly advanced game loaded with opportunities to learn if you decide to use it that way. What other neat ideas could you implement to teach your kids with this great game?

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